02 February 2008

Winter Wonderland

Today Bryan and I lucked out. Lander had a 2.5 hour birthday party which left us with a bunch of free time to ourselves. Since it was pouring rain in the valley we decided that going for a bike ride was not on the "A" list of things to do. Slogging around in the rain on the bike is something that I personally am getting quite tired of. However, it was dumping snow at our house. After a more than precarious drive over to Landers friends house we headed up to a a dirt road by our house that is now covered in about 3 feet of snow. Donning our skis and snowshoes we headed out. It was perfect. The road is closed to motorized traffic during the winter (i.e. no stinky, noisy snowmobiles) and it was quiet and serene. I could have stayed out there for hours. Unfortunately, we only and about 90 minutes since we had to stop and help a bunch of people out who a) never learned how to drive in the snow, or b) think that mini-vans will go up the steepest, snowiest road in Washougal. It was a good time, and a really good work-out. If anyone ever wants to come up snowshoeing or XC skiing, give us a call.

Bryan ready to go

Me at our turnaround point

I love the winter, but the flowered skis give me warm thoughts

Our track in, it was pretty deep

When we picked up Lander this FJ Cruiser got stuck on the hill we had just come up and had to be towed by a 4 wheeler. No comment.